Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
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Assembly Source File
259 lines
;Program to make a bootable disk, set to load and run the application
; program upon booting.
stack segment para stack 'STACK'
db 64 dup('stack ')
stack ends
;Note: for convenience, both the boot routine and the application program
; are contained in a single segment. This limits the maximum size of the
; application program to slightly less than 64K.
dseg segment
boot_len equ 512 ;Maximum length of boot routine
msg1 db 0dh,0ah,'File containing boot routine: $'
msg2 db 0dh,0ah,'Boot routine file cannot be opened.',0dh,0ah,'$'
bootname db 15,?,15 dup(?) ;Temporary storage for boot routine
; file name
bootfcb db 37 dup(?) ;File control block for boot routine file
bootbuf db boot_len dup(?) ;Buffer to hold boot routine
prog_len equ 4096 ;Maximum length of application program buffer
; (must be a multiple of 128)
msg3 db 0dh,0ah,'File containing application program: $'
msg4 db 0dh,0ah,'Application program file cannot be opened.'
db 0dh,0ah,'$'
progname db 15,?,15 dup(?) ;Temporary storage for boot routine
; file name
progfcb db 37 dup(?) ;File control block for boot routine file
;Buffer for the application program. The DUP factor should be large
; enough to hold the whole program, but less than 64K.
progbuf db prog_len dup(?)
progend label byte ;End of the program buffer
;Each 4-byte group describes the parameters to be used when formatting
; a sector. This format block is used for an 8-sector track.
format_block db 0,0,1,2
db 0,0,2,2
db 0,0,3,2
db 0,0,4,2
db 0,0,5,2
db 0,0,6,2
db 0,0,7,2
db 0,0,8,2
msg5 db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,'Insert a blank disk in drive A:.'
db 0dh,0ah,'This disk will be wiped out, so be careful!'
db 0dh,0ah,'Strike any key to begin...',7,'$'
msg6 db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,'The disk in drive A: is ready to boot.'
db 0dh,0ah,'$'
dseg ends
cseg segment
assume cs:cseg,ds:dseg,es:dseg
start proc far
push ds
sub ax,ax
push ax ;Set stack for return to DOS
;Set working data segment.
mov ax,dseg
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax ;Set ES for the parse filename function
;Get the boot routine file control block set up.
mov dx,offset msg1
mov ah,9
int 21h ;Prompt for boot file name
mov dx,offset bootname
mov ah,0ah
int 21h ;Get boot file name
mov si,offset bootname+2 ;Skip the count bytes in bootname
mov di,offset bootfcb
mov al,1
mov ah,29h
int 21h ;Parse the filename into a file control block
;Open the boot routine file.
mov dx,offset bootfcb
mov ah,0fh
int 21h ;Open it
and al,al
jz read_boot
;Error in trying to open the boot routine file.
mov dx,offset msg2
mov ah,9
int 21h ;Notify of error
jmp done
;Read in the boot record.
;The record point field is set to the top of the file (record 0) by the open.
;First set load address.
mov dx,offset bootbuf
mov ah,1ah
int 21h
;Now read it.
mov dx,offset bootfcb
mov cx,boot_len/128 ;# of 128-byte records to be read
mov ah,27h
int 21h ;Read it as a single block
;Now read in the application program.
;Get the application routine file control block set up.
mov dx,offset msg3
mov ah,9
int 21h ;Prompt for application file name
mov dx,offset progname
mov ah,0ah
int 21h ;Get application file name
mov si,offset progname+2 ;Skip the count bytes in progname
mov di,offset progfcb
mov al,1
mov ah,29h
int 21h ;Parse the filename into a file control block
;Open the application routine file.
mov dx,offset progfcb
mov ah,0fh
int 21h ;Open it
and al,al
jz read_appl
;Error in trying to open the application routine file.
mov dx,offset msg4
mov ah,9
int 21h ;Notify of error
jmp done
;Read in the application program.
;The record point field is set to the top of the file (record 0) by the open.
;First set load address.
mov dx,offset progbuf
mov ah,1ah
int 21h
;Now read it.
mov dx,offset progfcb
mov cx,prog_len/128 ;# of 128-byte records to be read
mov ah,27h
int 21h ;Read it as a single block
;Now write on the disk in drive A:.
;Warn the user first!
mov dx,offset msg5
mov ah,9
int 21h
;Wait for user to strike a new key to proceed.
mov ax,0c01h ;DOS function empties key buffer before
int 21h ; reading next character
;Format and write the boot record via BIOS.
sub dx,dx ;Side 0, drive 0
sub ch,ch ;Track 0
mov cl,1 ;Sector 1
mov bx,offset format_block ;Point to format parameters
mov ah,5 ;BIOS format track function
mov al,8 ;Format with 8 sectors
int 13h ;Format the track
;Write the track.
sub dx,dx ;Side 0, drive 0
sub ch,ch ;Track 0
mov cl,1 ;Start at sector 1
mov bx,offset bootbuf ;Take input from here
mov ah,3 ;BIOS write sector function
mov al,1 ;Write 1 sector
int 13h ;Write the boot track
;Format and write each track of the application program in turn.
mov ch,1 ;Start at track 1
mov bx,offset progbuf ;Point to start of application
; program
push bx
push cx
call format_write_track
pop cx
pop bx
inc ch ;Point to the next track
add bx,1000h ;Point to the next section of program code
cmp bx,offset progend ;See if we're at the end of the
jb appl_loop ; application program buffer
;Notify finished.
mov dx,offset msg6
mov ah,9
int 21h
;Return to DOS.
start endp
;Subroutine to format and write the data starting at DS:BX to track CH.
format_write_track proc near
;First format the track.
push bx ;Save the data to be written address
sub dx,dx ;Side 0, drive 0
mov cl,1 ;Start at sector 1
mov bx,offset format_block ;Point to format parameters
mov [bx],ch ;Set each of the format records to point to the
; track to be formatted
mov [bx+4],ch
mov [bx+8],ch
mov [bx+12],ch
mov [bx+16],ch
mov [bx+20],ch
mov [bx+24],ch
mov [bx+28],ch
mov ah,5 ;BIOS format track function
mov al,8 ;Format with 8 sectors
int 13h ;Format the track
pop bx ;Retrieve the address of the data to be written
;Write the track.
sub dx,dx ;Side 0, drive 0
mov cl,1 ;Start at sector 1
mov ah,3 ;BIOS write sector function
mov al,8 ;Write 8 sectors
int 13h ;Write the track
format_write_track endp
cseg ends
end start ;Program will begin at label START